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The Author

Dear reader,


   If you’ve come this far, you must be wondering who created this. The short answer to your question is that I’m Garrett Looker, just some kid from the Midwest that figured maybe the world needed one more opinion to be thrown out there in the mess of it all.

   The long answer to your question is quite complex, and it includes crazy stories and experiences that come from my own life, from the world of sports and politics, and maybe even from when two friends and I drove 561 miles to buy a burger.

   In essence, this place is not for the news, sports, travel, or mindless banter. This is a place for stories, and that is what I promise to try to bring you. There are thousands of stories in our world each day, waiting to be found, waiting to be written about. It is my hope to find them, and to bring these stories to you. And if these stories are found in the news, sports, through travel, or simply in the way that we live our lives, then so be it.



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